Frequently asked questions
About Us
Who are we?
Trongains is a pioneering platform that specializes in the convergence of cryptocurrency and artificial intelligence in the world of investment. Our team consists of seasoned experts in both fields, driven by a shared vision of transforming the way people invest and interact with the financial landscape.
What do we do?
We harness the power of AI algorithms and data analysis to identify and capitalize on investment opportunities within the dynamic realm of cryptocurrencies. Our platform empowers investors with tools to navigate the complex market and make informed decisions.
How do we make a profit?
We follow a model where a portion of the profits generated from successful investments is reinvested into the platform, further enhancing our AI capabilities and expanding our portfolio. This growth benefits both the platform and our investors.
Can I lose my funds?
It's crucial to understand that all investments involve risk, and you should only invest funds that you can afford to lose. We recommend diversifying your portfolio and conducting thorough research before making any investment decisions.